
Hexadecimal Color Sampler & Web Fonts

What are these Projects?

Hexadecimal Color Sampler

The first project was a website to use divs for the first time- but primarily to make a website demonstrating a rainbow of hexadecimal codes for web safe colors (as we had just learned that, too). This project taught me how to use those two things- divs and hexadecimal codes. I learned a lot about creating my own hexadecimal colors; while it may not be a quick task yet, it was a good initial starting point. I also learned how to use divs, which essentially are like CSS styles, but only apply to a small section of the html- so specific segments can have their own colors and fonts. 

Web Fonts 

This project was to act like a sampler of the basic web safe fonts, also using divs to make each section representing a certain font to be in the actual font it was mentioning. This expanded on my div knowledge, and I learned all the technical codes for each font inside of pure html. This was a sort of reiteration of the previous things we had been learning, which was very beneficial to me. 

How Did I Do? 

I think I did alright considering I don't have any prior knowledge of html, however I have definite room to improve. For example, all the blocks of color in my color sampler were intended to all be the same width, but they decided to do, well, not that, and I couldn't decipher how to amend it. I had to consult the person sitting next to me quite a few times for minuscule mistakes I couldn't find on my own, or didn't know what was making them incorrect. Despite this, I think even if I didn't do amazing, repeating everything will help me be much better in the future. 

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