
Meyers-Briggs Personality Test

My personality type is INTJ; Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. Essentially, I am an introvert by a wide margin, and I excel in most things related to thought. Originality, analysis, and possessing knowledge are some of the most significant ideas in my life. I set high expectations for myself and am very determined if I care about something. I have difficulty with things such as expecting too much openness in relationships and small talk. Stephen Hawking and Annie Clark (St. Vincent) share my personality type, which absolutely thrills me, due to the fact that if you asked me who my main inspirations were, they would be my immediate answers.

I believe the personality type fits me well, and am assured by the fact that I’ve taken this test two other times, and received the same results. The majority of how I am described is accurate; my introversion, my love for learning, my high expectations, my combination of imaginability and function. However the aspect of being determined I feel might be slightly inaccurate, as even when I care deeply about something, I have to muster up the energy to actually carry it out. Moreover, it is as close to me as anything could get. It definitely helps me understand why I am gravitated towards the things I am, such as philosophy and physics. It’s how my thought process works, very abstract but trying to pick up on patterns and evidence.

INTJ clarifies my role in a team, as it describes me of having the potential to be a leader, but letting someone else take the role if they offer it. The introversion is the most evident, as in social situations I alienate myself frequently, and tend to stick around reserved, quiet people unless I am in a certain mood. As for people’s perception of me, I believe one of the statements I identified most with was the statement that I expect an exhausting amount of openness of people whom I have relationships with. People have definitely misunderstood my intentions because I have an odd way of having friendships with people.

I’ve learned that I wasn’t wrong in my thoughts that being a physicist or philosopher would be well suited for me. Dually that the people a person tends to look up to are similar to themselves, personality-wise.

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