
Chase Scene Reflection

 The scope of the project was to create a succinct scene in which it demonstrates characteristics of a chase scene from an action movie- suspense, quick pace.

Initially me and my partner Brett brainstormed ideas for the plot- just briefly- since that wasn't the main objective. After we decided on our "plot', we created a two page storyboard of all the shots we wanted to acquire. Due to the short window of time we had to create this video, we started filming right away. With the iPad, we shot everything we had planned on our storyboard, out of order. We primarily shot it depending on what part of the school we were in, and assembled it into its chronological order later. During editing, I realized the way I had structured the shots around the school wasn't too easily comprehensible. Brett agreed; so we hastened to reshoot some of the clips we had of Amanda. Her prior clips were in a different part of the school than where mine were, so we looked like we were in different universes, almost.

That was definitely an aspect I learned a lot about. Dually, the fact that I had to reshoot and reedit within the matter of a day taught me a thing or two about deadlines. I did stay after school, but had I not, I doubt I would have finished it. Additionally, I learned that in teamwork it can be hard to focus solely on the task at hand if you're friends with the people you're working with.

I'll definitely pay more attention to continuity in storyboarding from now on, viewing it from a perspective of someone who doesn't know anything about the video. Also, I'll try to get the task moving a little quicker, instead of spending a lot of unnecessary time fooling around. I know continuity in clothing wasn't supposed to be regarded in this video, but it's definitely something to remember.

As for keeping things the same, I'd definitely keep doing my color correction in correspondence to the mood of the video- making everything slightly metallic toned can have a big difference in something that's supposed to appear dire and intense.

Overall, I think this project was a good incentive to learn how to create things by a deadline. I think structure of shots in a technically correct way is becoming more of a habit, after creating this video.

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