
Hallo-themed Site


This project was to create a spooky scary website around the Halloween theme. First we created the header and background in photoshop. The gradient background was done by using the gradient tool on a very thin image, set to Halloween colors. The header was made by using a frame by frame animation, fading from purple to black, and embellished with effects like light and emboss. 

These were then brought into the Halloween website. The background image was the gradient one I made in photoshop, repeated. The header is imported as a gif. and changes colors. The rest of the website is typical coding, however we used an iframe for the first time. This allows other websites to be shown through a sort of 'web window'; seeing the page but not actually opening the page's link. I used the links of these websites for the links on the page, then targeted the links to the iframe below them, so it remains in my page. 

What I Learned 

First off, I actually learned what the iframe I just told you all about was. I learned how you actually code them, as I never would have put together that you target the links on the page to the iframe as opposed to the website's links themselves. Primarily, I knew how to do everything else; but I learned the basics and essentials of establishing and using an iframe, and more or less when it is appropriate or necessary to use them. 

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