
Planet in Illustrator Tutorial

 First, create a circle by using L and holding down shift while you drag to maintain a perfect circle.  
Then, create another circle, but remove the fill to make it an outline. Go to Effects > 3D
It'll initially look like this. 

Rotate the cube with your cursor to alter the three dimensional point of view, until it's tilted in the manner you want the rings to be.

Resize the stroke size of the outline until it's thick enough.

Select the knife tool, and divide the circle in half. Bring the top half to the front with Arrange>Bring to Front .

Adjust the ring until it appears as if it is around the planet.


Our Personal Logo

After creating multiple slightly different versions of planet-centric logos, I decided to stay with this one. It is simplistic yet effective, which demonstrates the efficiency I would expect myself to uphold in my own business. The color scheme is purple due to it's symbolism of sophistication and power. Dually, it represents mystery, fantasy, and creativity; which is reflected in astrophysics- as it is the study of furthering knowledge of the universe's unknowns. The background seems as if it is spreading; expanding like everything we know and are coming to know with math and science. Obviously, the planet represents the 'astro' in astrophysics.